Mark Lexby


58” x 58”

“I have created a tapestry using found materials from dumpsters and recycling bins in my local neighborhood. The work is about making something beautiful without contributing to overproduction, mass consumption, and pollution. The colors are meant to invoke the American Flag and all things American. It is obvious we live in a society that doesn’t completely value the earth and it’s resources more than excessive amounts of wealth and material production. Capitalism is often thought of as Democratic when in actuality it allows Corporations to act as mini Dictatorships, where whoever has the most money, power, and resources are allowed to keep doing whatever they want, regardless of the consequences to the planet and other members of society.”

–Mark Lexby


Mark Lexby was nominated to have his work showcased in Hokin Honors by Anna Kunz, Associate Professor in the Art & Art History Department at Columbia College Chicago.


"Enter the Tesseract" / Tristan Thompson / Fashion Video


"Joy" / Maria Varela / Fashion