Marlayna-Rose Richardson


Painting and etching on acrylic
Two sheets of 12” x 12” x 0.3”

Large JPG-Aro Ha_0428.jpg

“This work is a part of a collection called The Epic of Little Redman which chronicles the story of Little Red and her journey as a mixed indigenous person. Little Red is a character based on the lives of my family, myself and the many others like me who have been forced to live in the gaze of an oppressor and who have had their histories washed away.

My work focuses on being an outsider and addresses the issues surrounding the assimilation and urbanization of my people in this post-colonial world and how such a forced disconnect from one’s roots can lead to alienation. I wanted Little Red’s story to illustrate assimilation and colonialism through the lens of an abusive relationship. She shows us that even when our homes have been destroyed and our stories have been forgotten, we have the power to speak for ourselves, write our own stories, and build our own world.”

–Marlayna-Rose Richardson

This is presently an incomplete collection that will later consist of an art exhibit and a series of videos accompanied by original music. The exhibit will hold a collection of acrylic sculptures, paintings, masks, and clothing designs; the videos will be made up of 8 songs chronologically showing the story of Little Red.


Marlayna-Rose Richardson was nominated to have her work showcased in Hokin Honors by Joan Giroux, Professor in the Art & Art History Program at Columbia College Chicago.


"Ross K. MacNeill & The Orange Jeep" / Sarah Taschetti / Documentary Video


"Woodland Music" / Sol Salinas / Digital Illustration